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CDNM Research Week 2024
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Prof Melissa Bloomer

Professor in Critical Care Nursing - Griffith University and Princess Alexandra Hospital ICU

Professional Bio

Professor Melissa Bloomer holds the role of Professor in Critical Care Nursing, a joint appointment between Griffith University and Princess Alexandra Hospital ICU, in Brisbane, QLD. With an h-index of 23, Melissa’s research primarily focuses on adult end-of-life care in acute and critical care environments, and understanding and meeting the needs of vulnerable groups including older people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, using various methodologies. Aside from Melissa’s main program of research, Melissa is focused on building research capacity and promoting a positive research culture amongst ICU clinicians and the wider hospital community, and supporting HDR candidates at Griffith University. She is also very professionally engaged, supporting nursing through her leadership roles including: Co-Lead, Neuroscience, Aging and Dementia Group of the Menzies Health Institute Queensland Research Higher Degree, Deputy Convenor Fellow, Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) Chair, ACCCN End-of-Life Advisory Panel Member, ACCCN Research Advisory Panel Fellow, Australian College of Nursing Member, Metro South Hospital and Health Service (QLD) and Bolton Clarke Human Research Ethics Committees Trustee, eHospice

Melissa's Talks

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